2021年4月30日,在江西省于都县中央红军长征出发纪念馆,游客参观草鞋组成的“草鞋墙”。 Red tourism has become an increasingly popular choice for travelers in 2021. The number of searches for "red tourism" on Mafengwo, a Chinese travel service and social-networking platform, increased by 176 percent year on year, according to the report. 2021年,红色旅游成为越来越多人出游的选择。《报告》指出,马蜂窝上红色旅游搜索热度较上年同期增长176%。马蜂窝是国内一家出游及社交平台。 【知识点】 红色旅游(red tourism)指参观革命历史遗迹、遗址、博物馆等具有纪念意义的场所(visit sites with historical significance),感受红色基因、接受革命传统教育的出游方式。 《报告》显示, Red tourist destinations in north China's Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region have grown in popularity at the quickest rate nationwide, with the number of searches surging 240 percent year on year. 京津冀红色旅游区的搜索热度增长最高,同比增加240%。 Some 41.7 percent of respondents to a survey in the report said they visited red tourist sites more than three times this year, and over 40 percent of them went to such places "frequently" and "voluntarily" for sightseeing and knowledge. 参与调查者中,41.7%的游客今年参加红色旅游的次数达到3次以上,40%以上的游客经常、自主选择红色景区参观学习。 Red-themed homestay and live show are the favorite activities of tourists in 2021, with each of them accounting for nearly 20 percent of all activities in red tourism, according to the report. 2021年游客最喜爱的红色旅游项目的类型排名第一位和第二位的分别是红色民宿、红色实景演出,这两项在红色旅游项目中的占比均接近20%。 【相关词汇】 红色教育 education on the history of revolution 中国共产党历史展览馆 the Museum of the CPC 党史学习教育 Party history learning and education 党的光荣传统和优良作风 the glorious traditions and fine conduct of the CPC 红色传统 traditions from revolutionary times
2021年"红色旅游"搜索热度增长176% GMT+8, 2025-3-13 00:44 |
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